RFA provides components for building a form and for rendering a form.

  1. Form Architect
  2. Form Renderer
  3. Tree
  4. Typescript types

Form Architect

Basic Usage

import { FormArchitect } from 'rfa';

import type { FormSchemaType } from 'rfa';

const App = () => {

  const handleOnFormSave = (formSchema: FormSchemaType) => {
    // do something with form data

  return (
        <FormArchitect onSave={handleOnFormSave} />


type FormArchitectProps = {
  onSave: (formData: FormSchemaType) => void;
  theme?: ThemeOptions;
  formElements?: FormElement[];

  children?: never;
name type required description
onSave (formData: FormSchemaType) => void true Action on save form button. FormData is passed as parameter.
theme ThemeOptions false Adjusts styles. Refer to Material UI theming.
formElements FormElement[] false Specifies additional form fields.

Form Renderer

Basic Usage

import { FormRenderer } from 'rfa';
import formData from 'formData.json'; // get data from Form Architect

import type { FormSchemaType } from 'rfa';

const App = () => {

  const handleOnFormSubmit = (formData) => {
    // do something with form data

  return (
        <FormRenderer onSubmit={handleOnFormSubmit} data={formData} />


type FormRendererProps = {
  data: FormSchemaType | ExportedDataType;
  onSubmit: (data: FieldValues) => void;
  theme?: ThemeOptions;
  fields?: React.FC<any>[];
  children?: never;
name type required description
data FormSchemaType or ExportedSchemaType true Form schema to render form provided directly from Form Architect(FormSchemaType) or as JSON(ExportedSchemaType)
onSubmit (data: FieldValues) => void true Function to be called on submitting form. Takes filled data as first parameter.
theme ThemeOptions false Adjusts styles. Refer to Material UI theming.
fields React.FC[] false Specifies additional form fields to render if data includes any extended FormElements


Component for displaying tree-structured data.

Basic Usage

import { Tree } from 'rfa';
import type { TreeNodeType } from 'rfa';

const TreeData: TreeNodeType = {
  name: 'Root Node',
  descendents: [
        name: 'child node'

const App = () => {
  return <Tree node={TreeData} />


type TreeProps = {
  node: TreeNodeType;
  theme?: ThemeOptions;
  searchable?: boolean;
  onNodeSelect?: (node: TreeNodeType) => void;
name type required description
node TreeNodeType true Schema to render tree with
theme ThemeOptions false Adjusts styles. Refer to Material UI theming.
searchable boolean false Allow searching in tree. Search bar will appear.
onNodeSelect (node: TreeNodeType) => void false When defined, select action button will appear inside of each node. Function will be called when pressed and corresponding node will be passed as function param.

Common Types


type FormElement = {
  name: string; // default name of element
  label: string; // title of element in toolbox and architect
  description?: string; // subtitle of element in toolbox
  icon: React.ReactElement<any>; // icon of element in toolbox
  render: React.FC<any>; // Component to render inside form 
  attributes: AttributeSchema[]; // array of adjustable components attributes
  validators?: Validators[]; // array of validators for this element
  validationType: ValidationType; // specify validation type of element
  isCustomRegistered?: boolean; // whether to use custom context registration for this element


export type AttributeSchema = {
  name: string; // name of attribute
  type: 'input' | 'select' | 'radio' | 'switch' | 'checkbox' | 'options' | 'keyValueData'; // for editing purposes of attribute
  label: string; // label in attribute editor
  value?: string | number | boolean | string[]; // default value of attribute
  options?: { //specify options for checkboxed, selects, etc.
    name: string;
  keyValueData?: { //specify options for key value data (string:input)
    name: string; // name of key (key)
    placeholder?: string; // placeholder of input (value)
    value?: string; // value of input (value)

const optionAttr = {
  type: 'options',
  name: 'options',
  label: 'manage options',
  options: [{ name: 'opt1' }, { name: 'opt2' }, { name: 'opt3' }],
const placeholderAttr = {
  name: 'placeholder',
  type: 'input',
  label: 'placeholder',
  value: 'replace me with actual placeholder',


specifies yup validation type upon to build dynamic schema

type ValidationType = 'string' | 'number' | 'array' | 'boolean' | 'object'; //for setting validations


specifies validation functions to be applied to a form element. Select only those compatible with ValidaitonType (available options described here)

type Validators =
  | 'required'
  | 'min'
  | 'max'
  | 'length'
  | 'matches'
  | 'email'
  | 'url'
  | 'moreThan'
  | 'lessThan'
  | 'positive'
  | 'negative'
  | 'integer';


Cornerstone of communication between rfa components.

type FormSchemaType {
  elements: FormStoredElementType[];
  grouping: {
    groups: GroupType[];
    activeGroup: string;


Is identical to FormSchemaType, but render component is replaced by components name and mapped back on import.

type ExportedSchemaType = {
  grouping: FormSchemaType['grouping'];
  elements: (Omit<FormSchemaType['elements'][0], 'render'> & { render: string })[];


specified by react-hook-form.

type FieldValues = Record<string, any>;


Cornerstone of tree, specifies tree node and ancestors recursively

type TreeNodeType = {
  name: string; // label of node
  data?: { [key: string]: string }; // key value data to display as payload
  descendents?: TreeNodeType[]; // array of descendents 
  userData?: { name: string; value: string }[]; // any custom data added by user, when additional data is unlocked for user